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  • This is the high frequency (10 Hz) eddy covariance (EC) measurements which mainly contain the wind data, ship motion data, gas concentration data and the underway measurements. These data were measured on summer 2019 during two Arctic cruises JR18006 (from and to Aberdeen, UK and visited the Barents Sea ) and JR18007 (from Harwich, UK to Svalbard and visited the Greenland Sea). These EC data can be used to directly calculate the air-sea CO2 and sensible heat fluxes. The EC system was deployed on RRS James Clark Ross by Thomas Bell and Mingxi Yang (Plymouth Marine Laboratory). Please see Dong et al., (2021) for details of these EC data. Eddy covariance air-sea CO2 flux measurements were made possible by funding from the NERC ORCHESTRA (NE/N018095/1) and European Space Agency AMT4oceanSatFluxCCN (4000125730/18/NL/FF /gp) projects.

  • Data on CO2 and CH4 exchange rates between soil and atmosphere, soil temperatures, bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes, fungal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) copies and the relative abundances of the 40 most abundant bacterial taxa in the 48 plots of a soil warming and irrigation experiment on Svalbard in the High Arctic. On 2014-09-10, a soil warming and irrigation experiment was set up at Kongsfjordneset on the Brogger Peninsula, Svalbard. Warming was applied continuously with open top chambers and the irrigation treatment was applied in mid-late June and late August each year. Greenhouse gas exchange between the soil and atmosphere was measured on 2018-08-23 and 2018-08-26. At this time, soil samples were taken for DNA analyses and the amount of bacterial and fungal DNA present in soil was measured. The 40 most frequent bacterial operational taxonomic units were also determined. This project was funded by UK Natural Environment Research Council (core funding to the British Antarctic Survey), the Danish National Research Foundation (CENPERM DNRF100) and Seoul National University.